Retin -A cream for acne side effects

Tretinoin is an ATRA ( All trans-retinoic acid) by nature. Retinoic acids are metabolites of Vitamin-A used for growth and development. Tretinoin cream is a chemically synthesized Vitamin-A derivative used for epithelial cell growth in humans. It is available in a 0.025% concentration in jelly, cream, or lotion form. Tretinoin cream is used to treat acne or other skin disorders as per the advice of the medical practitioner. It is most commonly available by the name of Retin-A. Apart from acne, it is also helpful in fighting the effects of sun damage or wrinkles. Tretinoin cream can be used either on its own or in combination with other medications or skincare products. Cystic acne and acne scars have shown the best results when treated with medication. Now let’s try to understand the negative effects of using Retin-A -A cream without any doctor’s advice. It’s imperative to know for sure. Side effects The side-effects associated with Tretinoin cream use are- burning or tingling sen...