Incredible ways to make work from home more exciting

The concept of work from home initiated, perhaps with the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. Working from home was never popular with employers. There has been a general belief among employers that the work from home concept would bring slackness to the work. This is because employees would consider this as an opportunity to frolic around and not do any work. Work from home was considered to hamper productivity. However, since last year the scenario for working from remote has altered. This is because of the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. Even to date, the pandemic is causing a vast number of deaths. We are now experiencing lockdowns very frequently. This is being done to prevent the pandemic from spreading further among the masses. As no known medicine can prevent the disease from proliferating, the government is imposing frequent lockdowns for prevention of the spread of the pandemic. These lockdowns gave rise to the new concept of ‘work from home. Since lockdowns were hamperin...